We are committed to the achievement of gender equality in the mining and minerals sector.
In the mining and minerals space, achieving gender equality means tackling the gender norms and power dynamics that have led to the historic exclusion of women from sharing equally in both decision-making and access to benefits. In the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector, women make up an estimated 30% of workers globally yet tend to hold only the lowest-paid jobs and are significantly under-represented in positions of power and decision-making.
Gender inequality has significant adverse impacts. At the global scale, the gender pay gap is thought to be restricting our global wealth potential by trillions of dollars. At a company level, lack of diversity – including gender diversity – stifles creativity, innovation and profit. At a social level, gender inequality constraints both individual wellbeing – for all genders – and national development. Against this backdrop, we aim to contribute to a better understanding of gender dynamics in mineral supply chains, helping our clients to identify and address these challenges in their specific contexts.