GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS of Levin Sources Limited (February 2025)
We commit to provide professional, objective and impartial advice, and at all times hold the client’s interests paramount, strictly avoiding conflicts with other assignments or our corporate or individual interests.
It is our policy to conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner. We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption.
The purpose of this policy is to establish standards for the protection and security of all information held and processed by Levin Sources. Effective implementation of this policy will minimize the risk of loss or unauthorized access to Levin Sources and client information and technology.
This policy provides an overview of the systems and procedures that Levin Sources use to protect information. Individual aspects such as backup routines, password settings, remote access and encryption requirements are covered by separate policies.
Levin Sources is committed to promote equal opportunities to and treatment of all employees, associates, contractors and job applicants regardless of age, disability, gender and sexual identity, civil and parental status, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation. We aim at nurturing an inclusive environment where everyone belongs.
This policy captures how we will minimise and mitigate our environmental impacts in our day-to-day business. Levin Sources and its Staff will conduct itself in such a manner to continually improve its environmental performance and reduce its environmental impact. Levin Sources will encourage customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to do the same. We will follow the mitigation hierarchy to guide our decision making when our actions may impact upon the environment.
The policy is updated every years.