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Global COVID 19 Pandemic Exposes Vulnerability of ASM Actors Amidst Progress

Global COVID 19 Pandemic Exposes Vulnerability of ASM Actors Amidst Progress

An overview of the impacts of COVID-19 on the Uganda ASM sector featuring insight from one of our reports

Transition Island podcast

Transition Island podcast

Estelle Levin-Nally talks about green recovery and green growth in the context of COVID-19.

World Business Report

World Business Report

Associate Sebastien Pennes reviews the Kimberley Process as Russia prepares to become chair

Blockchain in the Mining Industry: Implications for sustainable development in Africa

Blockchain in the Mining Industry: Implications for sustainable development in Africa

What does the use of blockchain in mining mean for sustainable development in Africa? Co-authored by Victoria Gronwald.

On Governance and the Democratic Republic of Congo

On Governance and the Democratic Republic of Congo

Holger Grundel analyses the state of governance in the DRC

Levin Sources launches bespoke service for small jewellers

Levin Sources launches bespoke service for small jewellers

A review of our Responsible Sourcing for Small Jewellers service by a reference industry publication

Women’s Jewellery Network announces new ambassador squad

Women’s Jewellery Network announces new ambassador squad

The Women's Jewellery Network announces its 2019 ambassadors including our founder Estelle Levin-Nally.

Beyond the Hype of Lab-Grown Diamonds

Beyond the Hype of Lab-Grown Diamonds

Labelling lab-grown diamonds as more ethical than mined ones is inadequate. Our Founder explains why.

Just How Eco-Friendly Are Lab-Created Diamonds?

Just How Eco-Friendly Are Lab-Created Diamonds?

Why lab-grown diamonds aren't more ethical than mined ones, as illustrated by Estelle Levin-Nally.

Govt advised to build capacity of artisanal miners

Govt advised to build capacity of artisanal miners

Our Baseline Assessment and Value Chain Analysis of Development Minerals shapes policy in Uganda

Meet the 2018 Cambridge News Business Excellence Awards finalists

Meet the 2018 Cambridge News Business Excellence Awards finalists

Levin Sources features in the 2018 Cambridge News Business Excellence Awards finalists

Analysis: The State of the Colored Stone Market

Analysis: The State of the Colored Stone Market

An analysis of the coloured gemstones market based on a Levin Sources study

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