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Case Studies

Our work

We work with diverse clients to deliver inventive and impactful solutions.

In many cases, mineral matters are sensitive. We are grateful to the following clients for allowing us to speak publicly about our work.

USAID Zahabu Safi Clean Gold Project DRC

Development of a National Strategy for ASM in DRC and a National Action Plan for the ASM technical services (SAEMAPE, formerly SAESSCAM)

Development of a National Strategy for ASM in DRC and a National Action Plan for the ASM technical services (SAEMAPE, formerly SAESSCAM)

Explore how we designed an end-to-end capacity building programme to better support the DRC ASM sector.

Development of a Kenyan Artisanal Mining Strategy

Development of a Kenyan Artisanal Mining Strategy

Discover how we facilitated the Kenyan government to develop a national artisanal mining strategy (KAMS) to formalise the sector.

Helping international partners shape a shared vision:  Logframe review for the Sustainability in Chinese Outbound Mining Investment - Sustainable Mining Action Plan (SMAP) project

Helping international partners shape a shared vision: Logframe review for the Sustainability in Chinese Outbound Mining Investment - Sustainable Mining Action Plan (SMAP) project

Learn how our experts guided agencies from China, Germany and the UK to agree a shared vision for promoting greater responsibility in mineral supply chains involving Chinese companies.

An analysis of the commercial potential of Ethiopia’s coloured gemstones sector

An analysis of the commercial potential of Ethiopia’s coloured gemstones sector

Our experts analysed the state of the coloured gemstones sector in Ethiopia and drew lessons from the industry in other producing countries.

Working with the EPRM to improve the M&E framework and baseline for responsible 3TG mining practices in CAHRAs

Working with the EPRM to improve the M&E framework and baseline for responsible 3TG mining practices in CAHRAs

Our experts supported the EPRM in developing a meaningful baseline to monitor and assess the progress and impact of all its activities.

EPRM Due Diligence Hub: A tailored due diligence portal for responsible mineral supply chains

EPRM Due Diligence Hub: A tailored due diligence portal for responsible mineral supply chains

Discover how Levin Sources created the Hub’s content and architecture, supported the EPRM Secretariat in its leadership of the Working Group, and strategised the initial communications plan.

Aligning the Fairtrade Standard with conflict-minerals requirements

Aligning the Fairtrade Standard with conflict-minerals requirements

Discover how our experts helped update the Fairtrade Standard for Gold to align with new requirements and then rolled out a training programme for mining organisations and traders.

Analysis of civil society incident reporting in eastern DRC

Analysis of civil society incident reporting in eastern DRC

Levin Sources was contracted by a large downstream supply chain actor to provide expert support to their supply chain research and risk assessments for mineral supply chains originating in the DRC.

Revision of the Regional Certification Mechanism of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region

Revision of the Regional Certification Mechanism of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region

Learn about the collaborative revision process behind the Second Edition of the Regional Certification Mechanism

Baseline Study of Mining and Socio-Economic Development in the Central African Republic

Baseline Study of Mining and Socio-Economic Development in the Central African Republic

Levin Sources drafted a report that paved the way for a Central African ASM sector that contributes to socio-economic development, peace and poverty reduction at both community and national levels.

Creating an actionable strategy to create international leverage of Parties of the Dutch Agreement on Responsible Gold

Creating an actionable strategy to create international leverage of Parties of the Dutch Agreement on Responsible Gold

How we drew on our experience and network within the international gold sector to deliver an actionable stakeholder strategy that reflected the Gold Agreement

Baseline Assessment of Development Minerals in Uganda

Baseline Assessment of Development Minerals in Uganda

Levin Sources carried out an in-depth field analysis and market assessment that resulted in the publication of a baseline and market assessment on Development Minerals in Uganda. It informed the government's draft minerals policy.

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