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Due Diligence for Responsible Sourcing of Precious Stones (PS-MSWG)

Due Diligence for Responsible Sourcing of Precious Stones (PS-MSWG)


Author(s): James Evans Lombe, Simon Gilbert, Estelle Levin-Nally, Dr. Abhijit Pandya and Dr. Matthew Runci

Client(s): Jewelers of America, on behalf of the Precious Stones Multi-Stakeholder Working Group (PS-MSWG)

Levin Sources and Sustainable and Responsible Solutions were commissioned by the Precious Stones Multi-Stakeholder Working Group (PS-MSWG) to develop a discussion paper on Due Diligence for Responsible Sourcing of Precious Stones.

This comprehensive report analyses precious gemstone supply chains and the risks present therein, before considering how due diligence can help to identify and manage these risks. Following this is an overview of the due diligence frameworks, tools and mechanisms in other minerals industries, including gold, tin, tungsten, and tantalum, that help to manage risks and facilitate responsible sourcing.

How the precious gemstone industry could adapt these existing frameworks, tools and mechanisms to enhance the trade in responsibly-sourced gemstones is then considered.

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