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Knowledge Centre

Sharing expertise

We believe that sharing our expertise is vital for achieving our vision and mission. This is why we publish reports, blog, and do public speaking as much as possible. We also believe in respecting intellectual property, so rigorous citation is core to how we present information and we expect others who use our work to do the same.

At the same time, it is essential that we respect the confidentiality and copyright requirements of our clients, and so only a sample of our work is available on this page. If there’s something you know we’ve researched or produced and it’s not here, please get in touch.

Comparative Analysis of ASM Strategies in Four Countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America (Ghana, Tanzania, Peru, and the Philippines)

Comparative Analysis of ASM Strategies in Four Countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America (Ghana, Tanzania, Peru, and the Philippines)

Levin Sources was commissioned to conduct this comparative analysis of ASM strategies of four countries by PROMINES, with financing provided by the World Bank.

Improving Marketing and Sales of Mongolian Jewellery: Scoping Mission Report

Improving Marketing and Sales of Mongolian Jewellery: Scoping Mission Report

In Levin Sources' 2015 report, 'Improving Marketing and Sales of Mongolian Jewellery: Scoping Mission Report', we explore the potential for Mongolia’s gold jewellery sector to serve as an opportunity for socio-economic development.

Comparative Study of Certification and Traceability Systems in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Comparative Study of Certification and Traceability Systems in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

From 2013-2015, Levin Sources provided guidance to PROMINES, the implementing body for the World Bank’s Project to Support the Mining Sector in DRC on building a robust fabric for good governance of its minerals sector through supply chain traceability and certification.

An Analysis of the Commercial Potential of Ethiopia's Coloured Gemstone Industry

An Analysis of the Commercial Potential of Ethiopia's Coloured Gemstone Industry

​This scoping study of Ethiopia’s colored gemstones industry examines the following: the present state of the industry, primarily in commercial and social development terms; which features of the industry and its governance are either improving or limiting its commercial success

Due Diligence for Responsible Sourcing of Precious Stones (PS-MSWG)

Due Diligence for Responsible Sourcing of Precious Stones (PS-MSWG)

Levin Sources and Sustainable and Responsible Solutions were commissioned by the Precious Stones Multi-Stakeholder Working Group (PS-MSWG) to develop a discussion paper on Due Diligence for Responsible Sourcing of Precious Stones.

The GIFF Project: International Dialogue Paris Report

The GIFF Project: International Dialogue Paris Report

On 13 May 2016, the GIFF Project held an International Dialogue on links between artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) and illicit financial flows (IFFs).

Assessing and Enhancing the Contribution of Small and Medium-scale Enterprises to Due Diligence for Responsible Mineral Supply Chains

Assessing and Enhancing the Contribution of Small and Medium-scale Enterprises to Due Diligence for Responsible Mineral Supply Chains

This study is an examination of how small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) in the jewellery, medical technology, automotive and electronics industries in Europe, the United States of America and China are managing their “conflict minerals” reporting and/or due diligence requests and/or obligations.

Scoping Study on Possible Activities of the European Partnership for Responsible Minerals (EPRM)

Scoping Study on Possible Activities of the European Partnership for Responsible Minerals (EPRM)

This report examines the activities that the newly formed European Partnership for Responsible Minerals could undertake to help enhance the trade in responsibly-sourced tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold, also known as the 3TGs.

Minerals Supply Chain Due Diligence Audits in the Great Lakes Region

Minerals Supply Chain Due Diligence Audits in the Great Lakes Region

​The German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources commissioned ELL to produce a report for the ICGLR Audit Committee to help it determine opportunities for alignment with other systems over the short and long term and to have the foundations for developing their audit methodology and template.

Evaluation of Mining Revenue Streams and Due Diligence Implementation Costs Along Mineral Supply Chains in Rwanda

Evaluation of Mining Revenue Streams and Due Diligence Implementation Costs Along Mineral Supply Chains in Rwanda

Levin Sources was commissioned by Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) to conduct an evaluation of mining revenue streams and due diligence implementation costs along mineral supply chains in Rwanda.

ASM-PACE Global Solutions Study

ASM-PACE Global Solutions Study

The aim of this report is to summarize the scope and scale of ASM in protected areas and critical ecosystems worldwide, describe its known effects, document and study attempted solutions, and offer an initial set of recommendations.

ICGLR RCM Audit Methodology

ICGLR RCM Audit Methodology

​The German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) commissioned ELL to develop the methodology for the third party exporter audit, that is a fundamental component of the Regional Certification Mechanism (RCM) of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR).

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