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Obstacles to ASM Formalisation:  An Ethiopian Case Study

Obstacles to ASM Formalisation: An Ethiopian Case Study

January 11, 2017, by Adam Rolfe

A first hand exploration of the challenges artisanal miners face in their bid to formalise – including licenses, legalities and large scale mining

GIFF: What the Panama Papers Taught us about Legalising Criminality

GIFF: What the Panama Papers Taught us about Legalising Criminality

December 7, 2016, by Khadija Sharife

Rather than vilifying individual companies or refiners, we must concretise changes that will promote transparency. This blog is part of the series Follow The Money: How to Formalise the Gold Sector.

Dodd-Frank Section 1502: The Future of Due Diligence if Dodd-Frank is Repealed Under the New Presidency

Dodd-Frank Section 1502: The Future of Due Diligence if Dodd-Frank is Repealed Under the New Presidency

December 1, 2016, by Dr. Fabiana Di Lorenzo

The intended outcome of Section 1502 was to limit the potential for the extraction, transportation, and trade of ‘conflict minerals’, namely tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold (3TGs), to fund conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa’s Great Lakes Region. President-Elect Donald Trump has pledged to repeal it.

GIFF: A Chain of Victimisation

GIFF: A Chain of Victimisation

November 23, 2016, by Livia Wagner

A Latin American case study of the victims of illegality - including miners, women, children, and the environment.

Notes from the Field: India

Notes from the Field: India

November 21, 2016, by Marcena Hunter and Dr. Yolande Kyngdon-McKay

Notes from the Field is a blog series presenting snapshots and reflections on current events related to the world of conflict minerals, artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), and responsible sourcing. ELL’s Staff and Associates span the world, residing across nearly all continents.

GIFF: The Billion Dollar Gold Circuit: Illicit Flows from Central Africa to Dubai, and Back Again

GIFF: The Billion Dollar Gold Circuit: Illicit Flows from Central Africa to Dubai, and Back Again

November 9, 2016, by Shawn Blore

An examination of smuggled gold, the incentives that drive it, and some potential solutions to widespread laundering.

GIFF: Building Trust and Buying Gold

GIFF: Building Trust and Buying Gold

October 26, 2016, by Etienne Atger

A mining company’s view on illicit activity around gold in West Africa, and the importance of trust in building strong community relations

GIFF: The Truth about Conflict-free Sourcing

GIFF: The Truth about Conflict-free Sourcing

October 20, 2016, by Mike Loch

The Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI) and the challenges ahead for industry: A downstream perspective

Saying "I Do" to Fairtrade Gold

Saying "I Do" to Fairtrade Gold

October 13, 2016, by Theodora Panayides and Kate MacLeod

Researchers Theodora and Kate visit a Fairtrade Gold event.

GIFF: Footnotes to Nowhere

GIFF: Footnotes to Nowhere

September 28, 2016, by Mark Mattner

ASM is a sector whose challenges and problems have been very well documented - but in which the solutions are much more difficult to ascertain

GIFF: Where the Flow Goes

GIFF: Where the Flow Goes

September 14, 2016, by Marcena Hunter

A definition of illicit financial flows, what’s missing from the data – and the role of the GIFF Project across the entire supply chain

GIFF: Mistaken Identity

GIFF: Mistaken Identity

August 31, 2016, by Felix Hruschka

Examining the definitions of informal and illicit mining

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