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Spotlighting environmental impacts of ASM at the Convention on Biological Diversity

Spotlighting environmental impacts of ASM at the Convention on Biological Diversity

November 5, 2018, by Jack Cooper


Levin Sources Associate Jonathan R Stacey is contributing to a panel discussion on what companies are doing with regards to mainstreaming biodiversity into the mining sector - what works, what doesn’t and sharing lessons learnt. We want to get your views on the table too.

The Conference of the Parties is the governing body of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and advances implementation of the Convention through the decisions it takes at its periodic meetings. COP 14, the fourteenth meeting of the COP, takes place in Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt. The panel session Jonathan is contributing to, 'Mainstreaming in Mining', takes place on 14 November.

Jonathan will be making the case for greater consideration for the environmental impacts of Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) on policies, agendas and strategies around the world. He will describe the most prevalent and harmful environmental risks and impacts and present the key opportunities for improving environmental mitigation and remediation in ASM situations.

To this end, we would like to know:

If you had ten minutes to present a pressing environmental impact or an inspiring solution linked to ASM to policy makers, government departments and industry experts, what would you choose? We're keen to leverage the expertise of our network to ensure we represent your priorities fully.

If you'd to share the environmental impacts linked to ASM as well as mitigation strategies that are your priorities, please email us by Friday 9 November 2018.

Jonathan R Stacey is an ecologist with extensive experience of working on mining and environmental issues worldwide. After 14 years of working with government he moved to BirdLife International, where he spent 13 years developing and managing a strategic partnership program with mining companies.

In 2014, Jonathan joined The Asia Foundation in Mongolia to manage a project focusing on the environmental performance of Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM). Through his work in Mongolia, Jonathan was instrumental in the development and publication of the Frugal Rehabilitation Methodology: an economically affordable, socially acceptable and ecologically viable method of rehabilitating mined-out land.

Jonathan recently worked with Levin Sources on the ASM component of a World Bank-managed study on forest-smart mining, examining the impacts of ASM on forest landscapes through a series of 21 global case studies.

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